
Showing posts from 2013

How to Airplay Music from iPhone to Windows Computer via Bluetooth?

Airplay Music, A.K.A . AirTunes , is part of proprietary AirPlay protocol stack developed by Apple Inc. It is designed to use UDP  and RTSP network control protocol  for streaming audio over IP network.   So far, Airplay can only be used between airplay-enabled Apple devices and/or licensed third-party audio equipments.  As such, to AirPlay music from your iPhone to a Windows laptop, you need an AirPlay audio bridge like  Apple AirPort Express .  In this blog, I want to show you that you can do the same thing via a Bluetooth connection instead of an AirPlay audio bridge.  And it, indeed, is very simple. Most likely your Windows computer comes with a Broadcom Bluetooth chipset.  You can confirm this through the device management application of Windows.  If this is the case, go to Broadcom Bluetooth Software Download  and download updated Bluetooth for Windows software.   After install the updated Bluetooth software, you sh...

Evolve Random Access Channels for IoT: IV Power Control p.k. Access Timing

Access Channel Enhancements for 1x Rel. F One Eighth Rate Access Probes for Smart Terminals Evolve Random Access Channels for IoT: I Introduction Evolve Random Access Channels for IoT: III Slotted ALOHA Models During the discussion of evolving access channels for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication liked services, two major requirements are defined. As stated by 3GPP2 system requirement document, one is "[a]n M2M service shall not impact any ... existing applications and services that are currently being supported". The other one is "[t]he scalability of M2M Device deployment shall be supported allow flexible M2M Device and service deployment scenarios for large numbers of M2M Devices."  More details of these two requirements can be found in  3GPP2 Machine-to-Machine Communication System Requirements, S.R0146-0  and 3GPP M2M Service Requirements, ETSI TS 102-689 . Due to the nature of M2M traffic pattern and QoS requirement, recent studies find ou...